It is frightening to even think that a judge who doesn’t really know much about either you or your child would soon be determining how much of child support you would owe (or receive). Yet the child support system today is built on the judges interpreting the financial info that’s passed on to them by the lawyers and parents. Certainly, the child support system is not perfect; however, it still exists to protect as well as provide for the children across the nation.
As you are preparing for your upcoming child support hearing date, here are a few things, as suggested by a childsupport Milwaukee, that you should keep in mind:
Don’t ignore your mail. Probably everyone
has been in a situation wherein one gets so overwhelmed that it seems easier to
simply not look. But it is highly imperative that one reads each and every mail
that comes to your lawyer or to you, or your ex’s lawyer, or the court of law.
Read the mail twice. It will help you avoid any mistake of misinterpreting or
misreading what you are reading. And take action in time, and avoid putting off
replying to the mail or contacting your lawyer.
Never attempt to manipulate any information
that you are supplying to the court. Do not neglect to report your income or
over-report your financial data, attempting to control the child support amount
that would be awarded, suggests a chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney. Such attempts
often tend to be transparent and would reflect poorly in front of the judges.