If you are no longer able to keep up with your monthly bills, and if you are losing sleep thinking and worrying about your debts, or if you have stopped answering your phone simply because you are afraid it might be another bill collector calling you, then it might be high time that you contact a bankruptcy attorney Wisconsin and file for bankruptcy protection.
For a lot of people, bankruptcy seems like a scary concept. But the truth is that bankruptcy can be really helpful at times of need.
If you are thinking whether you should file bankruptcy, consider asking yourself the following questions:
- Is you overall debt more than what you can pay right now? If your per-month payments are exceeding your monthly income, then you are a potential candidate for filing bankruptcy. You should consider seeking advice from the Milwaukee attorney.
- Can you pay your due debts down to a level that’s manageable by selling or moving some possessions of yours? It could be really hard to confront the situation of downsizing from dream home or to get rid of your loved car, but the fact is that taking such difficult steps would allow you to clear your debts and also avoid bankruptcy.
- Is it possible for you to come up with a payment plan to resolve your debt without having to file for bankruptcy? Contact your creditors to see if they would be willing to negotiate some lower monthly payments and/or a lower balance.
Knowing when to file for bankruptcy and when it is better to negotiate and/or use alternative strategies can really help you get back on track to financial health.